Formation of competencies of primary school students in a computer science lesson


  • Jyrgal Zhusupbek kyzy Zhyrgal Osh State Pedagogical University named after A. Zh. Myrsabekov


computer science, computers, student, competence, awareness, competence, digital literacy, multimedia, creativity, integration.


This article examines the set of qualities of the formation of students' competencies in computer science. The main competencies in the computer science lesson are represented by logical aspects of value-semantic competence, personal goals, and abilities to implement with an understanding of the meaning of their work.When planning their activities, the skills of analysis, thinking, and self-assessment were taken into account. The computer science lesson plays an important role in the formation of students' competencies in primary school. This course aims to introduce students to the world of modern technology and develop their digital literacy and technical skills. Students develop key competencies - data analysis, decision making, algorithmic thinking and skills - in computer science lessons.


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How to Cite

Zhusupbek kyzy Zhyrgal , J. (2024). Formation of competencies of primary school students in a computer science lesson. Bulletin of the Osh State Pedagogical University Named After A. Myrsabekova, 1(1(23). Retrieved from