anthraquinone, anthrone, antranol, chromatography, extraction, identification, pharmacology.Abstract
This scientific article presents information on polyphenol compounds, spectral methods of research and biological activity of biologically active substances contained in the plant Rumex L., belonging to the sorrel family. Rumex L. plant species contain biologically active substances such as triad derivatives of anthraquinone: chrysophanol, emodin, fiscion, their glycosidized and reduced forms, and in some - dimer forms. In order to determine and prove the individuality of natural anthraquinone derivatives, it is noted that the chromatography method is widely used, for which two types of organic solvents are needed: a mixture of alcohols with acids and water for the analysis of glycosides, and low polar solvents are used for the analysis of aglycones.
The chromatograms show that the separated substances can be observed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. It is described in detail that the biologically active substances isolated from the plant are used in food production, that they have the activity of regulating the rapid growth of plants, and that its hydrazones, phenylhydrazones and nitro derivatives have fungicidal and bactericidal activities.
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