The reflection of behavior in different cultures


  • Mastura Sharipova Osh State University



culture, behavior. intercultural communication, empathy, sympathy, sociocultural groups, inculturation, ethnocentrism, etiquette


This article examines the issues of intercultural communication. Behavior is one of the most important concepts in culture. Therefore, behavior has different meanings in different cultures. That is why the transmission of behavior in different cultures is considered in this article from different angles and argued with examples. In order to understand the behavior of representatives of other cultures there was a wide discussion about what kind of behavior is traditional for that cultures. In order to successfully work  in intercultural communication, it is necessary to have enough information about the characteristics of the behavior of the people in different cultures.


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How to Cite

Sharipova, M. (2024). The reflection of behavior in different cultures. Bulletin of the Osh State Pedagogical University Named After A. Myrsabekova, 1(1(23).