Zamanist-poets, religious views, socio-philosophical ideasAbstract
The religious views of Kalygul, Arstanbek and Moldo Kylych of the Zamanist akyns were unilaterally viewed as reactionary in Soviet times, but their heritage is being studied in a new way in modern times. In the article, the author, using theoretical and empirical methods, including analysis, familiarization with the works of scientists, tried to study some of the religious beliefs of Zamanist akyns.
According to the author, the legacy of Zamanist poets is of great importance in the education of young people. Although the Zamanist poets believed in Islam, they did not promote the dervish way of life. In their sermons, there were religious views on pressing life problems, promoting faith, mutual assistance, justice and love for the Motherland. The socio-philosophical ideas of Kalygul, Arstanbek and Moldo Kylych in a mystical, eschatological shell were associated with the economic, spiritual and cultural life of that time.
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