Examınatıon of The Expectatıons of Mothers of Chıldren Wıth Specıal Educatıon Needs from School
Education, special education, individual in need of special education, family, mother, expectation.Abstract
This research was conducted to examine the expectations of mothers of children who need special education from school. Qualitative method was used in the research. The study group consists of a total of 32 mothers who have children in need of special education. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The research is limited to the expectations of families with children who need special education from school administrators, teachers, school support staff, educational environments, and educational programs. According to the results obtained from the research findings: Among the expectations of the mothers participating in the study from their administrators are; improving the physical conditions of the school, administrators being knowledgeable in the field of special education, administrators being special education graduates, and administrators being better in their behavior. Mothers' expectations from teachers at school are that teachers should be more friendly, sincere and warm-hearted towards students who need special education, and that they should constantly attend students' classes to ensure a stronger bond between students and teachers. Among the expectations of mothers from support staff are that they should be meticulous about cleanliness and hygiene, that the servants should be more reliable, and that they should have knowledge about disabled children. Mothers' expectations from educational environments include the classroom being suitable for individual and group education, improving the physical conditions of the classroom, more support for schools from the state, and having a camera system in the classroom. Among the mothers' expectations regarding the implemented education programs, the education programs should be adapted to the child's level, the lessons should be more practical, there should be activities that will develop self-care skills, the lesson hours should be reduced, and there should be more educational activities.
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