The role of mobile technologies in education
Mobile learning, mobile technologies, informatization of education, mobile management.Abstract
The article discusses the role and purpose of mobile technologies in education. The article reveals the relevance of the use of mobile technologies in education, the forms of their use. The advantages and disadvantages of mobile technologies are analyzed in terms of improving the quality of the learning process.
The majority of students are representatives of the digital generation, and the majority of university professors implementing educational programs belong to the generation of digital immigrants. Their habits of perception of reality were formed in the industrial age. Digital natives are fundamentally different from their parents in important educational ways. Such differences are associated with a completely different process of formation of brain regions. As adults, they will become different and their world will be completely different than it was before, and unexpected for previous generations. The use of mobile technologies in education is mainly associated with simple and universal access to smartphones, tablets and laptops. The selection and evaluation of educational applications is a key element in the implementation of mobile learning. Therefore, on the one hand, it is important to support the manufacturers of this software, and on the other hand, it is necessary to develop the skills of using mobile devices when teaching teachers.
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