Researchıng the Knowledge Levels of Adolescent Indıvıduals About Abuse
Adolescent, Adolescence, Abuse, Knowledge LevelAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge of adolescents about abuse. In addition, it is aimed to understand the sources of information of adolescents about abuse and their attitudes about this issue. A qualitative research model was used in the study. Participants were randomly selected considering that they were from different age groups. Semi-structured interview questions developed by the researcher were used as the data collection tool. Data were collected by audio recording and examined with the content analysis method. Interview questions were prepared to understand the basic knowledge levels, sources of information and attitudes of the participants about abuse. According to the findings obtained from the study, the knowledge levels of adolescents about abuse are generally low. The majority of the participants stated that they think that their peers are the most exposed to psychological abuse. In addition, the majority of the participants emphasized that education on abuse should be provided in schools in order to create more awareness about abuse and to raise awareness in the society. It is suggested that families, schools and the media can play an effective role in this regard.
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